LSET In collaboration with ZONOPACT

What is an MVP ?

A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a version of a new product with enough features to satisfy early adopters and gather feedback for future development. By focusing on essential features, an MVP allows you to test your assumptions, gauge market interest, and iterate based on real user feedback.


Enrol in LSET MVP Program starting at £599 with 24/7 support and an 8-hour SLA

Why Choose Us ?

LSET Fuelling Entrepreneurial Success

Expertise Meets Innovation

LSET brings years of experience in tech education and innovation, coupled with Zonopact’s proven track record in MVP development. Together, we offer a powerhouse of expertise to turn your vision into a cutting-edge MVP.

Guidance from Industry Leaders

At LSET and Zonopact, we are highly proficient in advanced technology, providing customized solutions with the utmost excellence and originality. Our mastery of emerging technology transforms your concepts into tangible achievements. Limitless opportunities lie ahead.

Customised Solutions

Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or a corporate innovator, we tailor our MVP development services to suit your unique needs and goals. From ideation to launch, we’re committed to delivering solutions that exceed your expectations.

What Sets Us Apart

Collaborative Ecosystem

Join a vibrant community of innovators, entrepreneurs, and tech enthusiasts at LSET. Our partnership with Zonopact extends beyond MVP development, offering networking opportunities and access to resources that foster growth and success.

Focus on Quality & Innovation

At LSET and Zonopact, we’re passionate about pushing the boundaries of technology and delivering exceptional results. Our MVPs are not just functional; they’re innovative, user-centric, and designed to disrupt the market.

Continuous Support & Feedback

Our commitment to your success doesn’t end with the launch of your MVP. We provide ongoing support, feedback, and iteration to ensure that your product evolves with the changing needs of your users and the market.

Our Process

Discovery Phase

We start by understanding your vision, target audience, and business goals. Through workshops and brainstorming sessions, we refine your idea and define the scope of the MVP.

Design & Development

Our team of designers creates wireframes and prototypes to visualise the user experience. Once approved, our developers begin building the MVP using cutting-edge technologies and best practices.

Testing & Feedback

We conduct thorough testing to ensure that the MVP meets quality standards and is ready for launch. We then gather feedback from real users to identify areas for improvement.

Iterate & Improve

Based on user feedback and market validation, we iterate on the MVP, adding new features and enhancements to enhance its value proposition continuously.

Ready to Build the Next Big Thing

Don’t let your ideas remain just ideas. Partner with LSET and Zonopact to bring them to life with our comprehensive MVP development services. Whether you’re a student eager to learn or a business ready to innovate, we’re here to empower you every step of the way. Contact us today to kickstart your MVP journey!

One-Time Development Cost



  • Features
  • Basic MVP development
  • Minimalistic design
  • Limited functionality
  • Single platform compatibility
  • Benefits
  • Affordable entry point
  • Quick turnaround time
  • Suitable for testing core concepts
  • Ideal for startups with budget constraints

Premium Plan

Price varies based on customisation


  • Features
  • Advanced MVP development
  • Customized design and branding
  • Advanced functionality/modules
  • Integration with third-party services
  • Comprehensive testing and quality assurance
  • Benefits
  • Tailored solution meeting specific business needs
  • High-end user experience
  • Scalable architecture
  • Suitable for ambitious startups and established businesses aiming for rapid growth

Standard Plan


  • Features
  • Enhanced MVP development
  • Improved user interface and experience
  • Additional functionality/modules
  • Cross-platform compatibility (web and mobile)
  • Benefits
  • More comprehensive solution
  • Better user engagement
  • Increased scalability
  • Suitable for businesses aiming for moderate growth

Monthly Maintenance Costs

  • Infrastructure Maintenance Cost (Optional)The infrastructure maintenance cost amounts to £120 per month. This covers the upkeep and management of the technical infrastructure supporting your systems, ensuring they operate smoothly and securely.
  • Application Maintenance Cost The application maintenance cost is calculated at 10% of the development cost. This monthly fee ensures the ongoing support and enhancement of your application, guaranteeing its functionality and efficiency over time.
    Note : Infrastructure cost is not included in this.

The cost of maintenance will only be applicable once you have enroled in the LSET MVP program.